Consumer Choice Reviews

Terms and Conditions

This website is a marketplace. The owner has a material financial connection to the provider of the goods referred to on the site in that it receives compensation for clicks onto the ad or for sales of the product(s). We are not responsible for product returns, product-related support, and product shipping. If you are not fully happy with the goods you have received, please contact the provider of the goods directly. This website provides vicariously through its designated software and website certain marketing, advertising, promotion, and related services. These Terms of Use govern the users’ access and use of Users must agree to these Terms prior to using ​​ 
About our site 
This is an advertisement and not an actual news article, blog, or consumer protection update.  is operated by professionals, and its purpose is to enable people to request quotes or information for the product or service shown or selected on this site.

The service that our site provides is to connect people who are looking to learn more about the service with Third Party Providers. By using our website, you understand and agree that you are solely responsible for making your own evaluations, decisions, and assessments about whether to engage with any Service Providers or otherwise interact with any Service Providers in any way.

You understand and agree that the Company:
(a) does not employ, recommend or endorse any Third Parties or products, as relevant, or any related party thereof, and has no control over the acts or omissions of any Third Party, their business, their products, or services.
(b) makes no representations or warranties about the Third Parties and products, including their quality, pricing, compatibility, availability, or any other features, or about your interactions or dealings with any Third Parties.
(c) makes no representations or warranties about the proprietary rights or other rights or features or regulatory aspects related to the products, including any required authorization, permits, or licenses for the upload, sharing, or otherwise making available and for the use, sale, and purchase of such products.
(d) is not responsible for the performance or conduct of any user or other third parties in any way using or having used the Services, and/or on or off ​​

The Company is not obligated to screen or otherwise to verify any information regarding Third Parties and/or users, the products, or any other feature related to, and therefore, you should exercise caution and perform your own examinations and checks before engaging with anyone through the Services or or otherwise interacting with anyone.

The Company expressly disclaims, and you expressly release the Company from, any and all liability whatsoever for any controversies, claims, suits, injuries, loss, harm and/or damages arising from and/or in any way related to the Third Parties, products, services, and or your interactions or dealings with any Third Parties, including without limitation any acts and/or omissions of Third Parties in any way using or connected to the services or the company in any means. By using, you acknowledge that you are solely responsible for such use and the connections, interactions, purchases, or any other action you make and that all use of the services or is at your sole risk.

Contact Us
Bottom line is that even though it is our job to test selected products and provide our opinion on them, we are just like you. We like to follow tech trends, we are parents, we love gadgets, we are pet owners, we are DIY-ers, and we have a passion for making our lives easier via a smart buy.

Changes to Our Terms
We reserve the right to make changes to our terms and conditions at any time without notifying you. It is recommended that you revisit this page in the future to check for any changes to our terms.